>And the award goes to…not a comedy

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>Tonight the Oscars are on to celebrate what is supposed to be great moments of cinema.  Is this really true?  There are some pretty good movies that for whatever reason have not been nominated in years past.  What I don’t understand is why comedy is a genre that is consistently overlooked in awards.  A good comedy is not easy to create. You want to know some of the better ones?  Take a look at AFI’s 100 Years…100 Laughs list.  How many of those films were nominated for Best Picture?  How many won?

Science fiction is another genre always passed over in awards.  Again, this just baffles me because at the heart of a good movie is a good story.  We all learned this when the Star Wars prequels came out.  The original 3 were great.  The story made sense and the special effects were just secondary to the dialogue and plot.  When George Lucas decided to release the long awaited prequels, no one was more disappointed more than me.  I grew up watching the Star Wars movies.  I probably can recite most of the lines.  The prequels have great special effects but the story is crap.

But I digress…action movies also get overlooked.  Raiders of the Los Ark anyone?  I mean who really liked Chariots of Fire better?  Does anyone even watch that movie anymore? Can anyone give me a quote from it?

This year will probably be the same…a drama will win, an actor and actress in a drama will win.  Don’t get me wrong, acting in a drama isn’t easy, but neither is acting in a comedy.  I just hope one day people will finally figure this out.

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