New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

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NewYearsResolutionsWhat I really need are goals for 2014, but I’m going to phrase them as resolutions because that’s more marketing friendly, right?


2014 is the year I turn 40.  Yep. I cannot believe it.  I still feel about 30.  I loved my 30s, but my 40s will begin with the love of my life at my side, so I’m ready to set some goals to enrich and possibly en-wealth (I know that’s not a word), myself.

1) Create a business plan for my blog. It’s time to stop pussy footing around and approach my writing in a more business-like manner.  I’m determined to increase all kinds of stats and actually get some income from my efforts.  The day I spent at Bloggy Boot Camp inspired me to change my mind and get things done in the blog world. Creating a plan will be the first step.

2) Stop going out to lunch.  This goal will help me in two ways.  First, I’ll lose some weight because I won’t be overindulging in burgers and french fries on a regular basis and second, more importantly, I will save a ton of money. If I can get my daily lunch cost under $5 per meal and still feel satisfied, I totally win.

3) Watch one new movie each month.  I love watching movies and seem to keep watching the same crap all the time.  OK, it’s not crap because I like the movies, but I want to expand my horizons.  I want to see some classics I have yet to enjoy.  I want to see new releases BEFORE they hit the DVD rack.

4) Read one new book every two months.  It’s really tough for me to find new books to read.  I love fiction.  I want to read more non-fiction, but it’s kind of boring.  Books on my Nook can be really cheap, so there’s no excuse for me to avoid this from a monetary standpoint.  I welcome any and all suggestions.

5) Make one new dish each month.  I’ll try to make it fairly healthy, but Paul is kind of particular about what he eats.  He is however, willing to try just about anything.  My real cooking fear is not the process, but the time management.  When should I start what? How long will it take me to prepare the meal in toto?

I’m trying to make these goals or resolutions as specific as possible.  When they get general (I want to lose weight! I want to be rich!) they feel impossible to reach.

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