>For those of you who haven’t dabbled in the online dating world, or if you are lacking a few social skills and keep being accused of acting creepy or desperate , I’ve created this easy to follow list:
Level 1 = The wink or the first email. Depending on your level or laziness/creativity this is how it all begins.
Level 2 = Emailing. I don’t do the IM. There are too many creeps out there and I’m not drunk/lonely enough to deal with them most of the time. This level should last about 5 to 8 emails each.
Level 3 = Phone call. Can an intelligent conversation be held? This level may be skipped if enough emailing has gone on to discern a level a normality.
Level 4 = Meeting in person. Was all that online chatting lies or is this person really as interesting as they seem?