>Online Dating: Independence Day is Every Day


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one person to seek assistance for her love life, she signs up for a website whose statistics woo her into thinking she might have a shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I hold these truths to be self-evident that all daters are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable humor, and that deep down, everyone just wants to be loved and have someone to love.

My journey through the wilds of the online dating jungle continues. Lately, I’ve been too busy to really concentrate on it, which is fine because the next “month” in the six month challenge doesn’t start for another nine days.

A trend I’ve noticed among I’ve looked at a lot of guys who seem to be a good fit, me for them and them for me…but they don’t look back. Three reasons exist for this behavior:

  1. I’m too ugly for them.
  2. They are, in fact, robots.
  3. They are too cheap to pay and don’t know I’ve looked at them.

I did receive one wink…from a widower. My reaction to that status is interesting. It’s not one that I find very often, so I’m not really sure about it. There is always the worry about baggage, but who among us travels light? A divorced guy can have just as much crap (or worse) to have to deal with as a guy whose wife is no longer among the living. I guess it’s really what can and am I willing to handle. I winked back. Let him be the one to send me an email. I’m a little tired of being the one who always makes the first move, plus I think I need to learn to be patient.

So, how did the past few days stack up?

Views: 43
Winks Received: 2
Winks Sent: 1
Emails Sent: 1
Emails Received: 1
Replies Received: 0
Suspected Robots: 9
Possible Pervs: 7

Here’s something I don’t understand, if you pay to get the green highlight on your profile, why wouldn’t you also include a photo? Granted, I’ve only ever seen this happen once. I know some people are still shy about being on a dating site, but usually those folks don’t pony up the dough to interact with others…they are just looking around.

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