>Of Course, I’m Frustrated

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>I keep reading/hearing about how women have all this power in a relationship because they are the ones who decide to accept a man.  Really?  I sure as hell don’t feel very powerful.  Waiting around for the man you want to act accordingly sucks big freaking time. 

Being that I’m a gal of action, and in this day and age where if you want something, you have to act on it, waiting for the goddamn phone to ring stinks.  I feel like I’m failing because I’m not doing anything.

I have the power…to wait the hell around.  But, I’m not supposed to wait around for a phone call.  I’m not supposed to care if the guy I had a great time with last week never asks me out again.  Well, I do care.  It’s difficult for me to be nonchalant because I am anything but cool especially when it comes to dating.  It’s even more difficult for me to let go and pretend I’m not going to be disappointed since I’ve been disappointed dozens of times before. 

So let’s say pigs start flying and snowballs have a chance in Hell and this guy does ask me out again.  At what point is it finally OK for me to come back from 1955 and contact him?  Can I ever be the one to initiate contact?  I don’t mean ask out.  I mean send a text to just say hello.  Send an email to share a funny story or something with him.  How long do I have to wait to act like my usual self instead of this stupid simpering idiot?

6 thoughts on “>Of Course, I’m Frustrated

  1. Donelle

    >Always love your honest look at things. Did you watch "He's just not that into you?" Your post reminds me of that movie. You should see it.

  2. Ms. Chick

    >Thanks! I didn't see the movie. I read the book.

    From my experience, it's either a load of crap or men don't find me attractive. Then again, what the hell do I know?

    All I do know is that if I hadn't made the first move in contacting guys online, I probably would have only had a fraction of the dates I've had this year, if any at all.

  3. Brigette Black

    >There's an episode of Sex and the City which states that all you need to get a date is another date. No, you shouldn't be waiting around. Yes, you think he's cute or you had a great conversation; but even if you find another eligible young man to take you out, that first guy will still be just as cute if/when he finally contacts you. I hope that helps at least a little!!

  4. Ms. Chick

    >Thanks Brigette. I know. If some other dude asks me out, of course I'll go out with him.

    I'm of the "you snooze, you lose" school of thought which is why it's so frustrating for me to just sit around. I'd hate to think I could have done something to show him I'm interested and didn't do it because I was adhering to these seemingly silly antiquated rules about dating.

  5. Dave2

    >Ain't relationships in modern times great? I honestly think things have never been more complicated… for men… and for women…

  6. Ms. Chick

    >Dave – I wonder if things have always been complicated for men & women. Maybe the things they freaked out about have changed, but I'll bet people 100 years ago freaked out as much as we do.


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