>This is the first installment of a (hopefully) limited series of messages from men sent to me via online dating sites. I have only changed names to protect the innocent. Let’s commence with the Actual Messages:
you look very jazzy!
Bravo perfomance in your profile.
you’re a delicious dish
You must be really shy. I winked at you a week ago. Cute.
I like your humor….and your over all being. You speak and spell pretty good…let’s me know….
Good day sweet lady,You sure are a cutie patootie
I’m impressed with your profile, I like your smile too I like talk to you, do you date older guys…
I’d like to invite you to play dodgeball with us, Tues. nights, St. Joseph’s Church
>Ha ha ha!! I love the "you speak and spell pretty good" one!
And you're joining the catholic dodgeball league, right? Right?
>LOL! I'm their best player.