>The iPhone is going to have to wait

>Two annoying things I found out about today:

The vehicle registration fee is going up.  In fact, it’s going to almost double.  If you want to know how much you might owe, the state has created a calculator.  I’m still gun shy from the time that Gray Davis  raised the vehicle registration fee so high I nearly had a heart attack after I got my renewal notice for my then almost new car.  It was as high as a car payment!  
The fee to renew a real estate license is going to go up in July.  Again, this is going to more than double.  Since the real estate industry has been hit pretty hard, my guess is that anyone on the fence about staying in the industry might see this as a sign to get off of it.
So instead of raising taxes, they raise fees.  It’s fine, but can we do it gradually instead of in giant leaps? 

1 thought on “>The iPhone is going to have to wait

  1. Merra

    >Ugh. Lovely. That means Brent’s is going to be even more ridiculous. He drives a newer diesel pickup – you can guess that thing was never cheap to license.

    Sorry about your iPhone. Stupid budget. Or should I say Stupid People Who Can’t Balance One.


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