>Sacramento…you see that red triangle shape on the console or dashboard of your car? That’s the button for your hazard lights.
I’m pretty sure most of you think that if you push that red button, something awful is going to happen to your car. Here’s the thing…it’s not.
It’s a warning to other drivers that you are about to do something stupid. Yes, it’s also good for when your car breaks down, but that’s not its only use.
Let’s say you are driving down Capitol Mall and want to double park to pick up your wife at some random high rise building. As a courtesy to the innocent people behind you, you are supposed to turn on your hazard lights BEFORE you need to stop in the middle of the street. That way you give everyone fair warning that you are going to do something stupid…so they can go around you and not want to curse your name.
Please, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, use your hazard lights!! I don’t have a problem with you double parking as long as you give me a heads up so I can get out of the way before I get to the anger point.
Don’t be afraid…just push it!!